Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sherlock and Jude and me.
I have just come home from Sherlock, loved it, LOVED IT AND LOVED JUDE LAW. Yes really enjoyed this movie, and Holmes fan that I am, it didn't bother me at all, I like the direction that Guy Richie took, Robert Downey is brilliant and so is the rest of the cast. I think that the casting of the smaller roles is more important than the stars because they can make a movie great even if the stars are useless, and the actors are all wonderful, I wasn't around in 19th C London of course but the movie looked just right as if you could even smell the place. So big thumbs up, only grumble is it is a bit long, I personally needed to go to the loo, but it was so exciting I had to stay in my seat, no mean feat considering the medication I take , hopefully that wasn't to much information for you. Good day to you all. Aunt Bee.
Pjamas are not mall wear.
This is terrible, I've downloaded some photos, tried numerous times to find them, can't, tried to then tidy up my photo folders, I then found I've duplicated some stuff, totally lost other stuff and can't seem to fix Tom, no good at AJ no good at home and has given up on me. So no photos today, and I'm going to have a moan, right I'm mature over 50 year old, like a ripe cheese or a fine wine and whine I shall, went to the local mall with "the men " yesterday, fine had a great time, went early as Tom had work, and while waiting for the" beastie brothers" to get food in the food court I saw a young woman I thinking 19 to 23, with a baby not a baby, baby, a 8 month old thereabouts waiting a the Indian food place in her pjama bottoms. Now this is the most bloody stupid dress trend I have seen, I know it's been done for awhile but it is so tacky to say the least, there are implications if you wear your PJ's out of the house,1.your lazy, 2. your slovenly, they don't look good, they look like well worn jamas. 3. it's a question of knowing what is appropriate dress, this isn't hard, it's a learning at your mothers knee thing, 4. you are sending a message to everyone who sees you and I don't think we are all getting the same message. So that's my rant, I asked AJ what he thought of girls who wear their PJ's out and he said something very rude, I myself years ago when we had only one car and Basil was on early shift would at 4 or 5 in the morning drop him at work in my nightie and dressing gown, hoping and praying nobody saw me and taking money for petrol if I should be so unlucky to run out, when out. We lived in a rural area then and taking him to work wasn't such a long drive but each time I had to do it, it was not a look at me thing it was a please don't look at me, and pray to God I get home un-noticed thing. Well I feel better, it is nice to get that off my chest, I shall now go and trace (God help me) a pattern from a Burda book I got from the library, the librarian said "Yoy do know you can only have magazines for 2 weeks now don't you." Yeah right trying to decipher these patterns is like deciphering a WW1 code, it will take more than 2 weeks to get it done. Then Basil is muttering about the movies as we have free tickets, so we want to see "Sherlock Holmes" which I'm really excited about seeing, not to see Jude Law, what do people(women) see in him, he's so pasty looking and weak, give be Robert Downey Jr anyday. So I'm off, have a nice day and enjoy the holiday. Aunty Bee
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to all.

I thought I better explain the last post, no I'm not overly fond of drinking as that photo might have you believe, and although I said we finish our working year playing a game, eating chocolates and drinking, the drinking is of the fizzy, no not wine but the pop kind. I should also say that the night out at The Chateau was great up until the waitress told us at 10pm. we couldn't order any more too drink because they were being responsible hosts and we were getting noisy. Well, we were in a private room, no one was drunk and we are always noisy, we protested that we were always loud and we were being quiet compared to our work lunch times, (we for the last 12 years we have played Trivial Pursuit in all it's editions and any other word game that ten people can play, every lunch time except for Mondays when Mare, Shiraz and I do crosswords.) Can you imagine how loud we are, as we play boys vs girls, I want to say here and now the boys say they won this year but we know they put more marks up on the board than they won, I know we are so bloody competetive. But we had to leave and go to the bar where they were happy to serve us, yes well if you want to clean up the room you only have to say. I feel better I have that off my chest. Just a few photos, of my delicious truffles and a new thing that is a pretzel, with a rolo on top (heated 4 minutes in oven) and a M&M or pecan on top. I have to go , to take the beef and chicken out of the fridge to defrost, everything is done, or can only be done tomorrow. I wish everyone a lovely Christmas, it's just us 4 for Christmas and it's always a good day although Basil usually likes to get us on a route march in the afternoon in preparation for the Christmas dinner, as it meant to be 25c tomorrow I know 3 people who will be avoiding it at all costs. Best Wishes from Aunt Bee, Basil, Tom and AJ, not forgetting Dave.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I have been busy, well that's my excuse.
I have been remiss in the exteme, not bloggin for awhile, but I have been busy. At my work we feel we must celebrate Christmas at least 3 times, a big lunch out, at the local working man's club, very nice, a dinner last friday night at The Chateau, and then breakkie this morning, followed by a clean-up and our tradition of a friendly game girls vs boys of Trivial Pursuit or something similar, while eating chocolates and having a drink. It's then officially all over for the year and holidays begin for nearly 3 weeks. Yeah run around room naked yelling and shouting yeah...............well not really but that's what I'm doing inside, will do a better blog entry tomorrow as I have found an interesting shop. Love Aunt Bee.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I like to bake on a Sunday

Saturday, December 12, 2009
When 4 cans of beetroot are 4 to many.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Can a Christmas Cake have to much brandy?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Found this wonderful Lorna Hill book last week, I love her books along with Noel Streatfield, they are among my favourites. When I was young, in the day as the Beastie Brothers would say I went to Mrs Thompson for Elocution lessons which I hated, for the reason I was so shy and nervous, hard to believe, but Mrs Thompson was a wonderful woman with a house full of books which she would lend to me, for that I,ll be always grateful. Actually I'm very comfortable with public speaking which is why I always had to do the talking and explaining to government people and overseas visitors when I worked at a large institution many years ago, also why people ask me to do eulogies or say something at funerals. In fact did a eulogy for a wonderful friend and I man came up to me and said I don't know you (true) but when I die I want you to do my eulogy, yes well I could see some obvious problems with that, so I smiled and ran for a cuppa tea. Even I after reading wot I have wrote I can see that I do waffle even when typing, note to self, mind the amount of waffle. The lovely and clever Robin which I remember from childhood, I love the illustrations as much as the stories. It is a beautiful evening only AJ and I are home, I have been to the weekly torture session a Basix Step class at QE11,( a sports complex), please note I don't spell Basix this way it is a sign of the times that even the most basic words are spelt wrong. ( I little joke there if you haven't noticed). The birds are singing, the wind is blowing gently through the trees and my veges are calling water, water, so cheerio for now Aunt Bee.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Christmas Cake made.

Friday, November 20, 2009
The last flowers of Spring

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A webcam photo and baskets

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The weather is terrible.
Although I have named this Post the weather is terrible I will say no more about it as it is upsetting. A woman in Bunnings said that as we have had spring and a short bit of warm weather then it is obvious we have gone straight to Autumn, she said it was her fault as she had put summer sheets on her beds, so it nice to have someone else share the blame. The crochet squares on the lounge floor, not the best place for a photo, I committed the knitters/crocheters cardinal sin didn't buy enough wool and now there is none left and I traipsed all over town looking for bright, bright,colours and found none. I have made more than these here , and I had a brain wave as what to do with them , watch this space. Birdys and christmas decorations made up during the year out of old bits of felt, sequins and buttons. Last photo is AJ on stage after receiving two awards at prize giving, he actually received 2 awards but didn't mention it till this morning. He did his entrance for the" Terries", got told he wouldn't get called up to July 2010, but they rang him yesterday to say he could go in Jan/Feb, this would mean losing 7/8 weeks of the Term 1 next year, so he's decided not to go in then as he doesn't want to miss anything of his Year 13 as it will be to hard to catchup, in fact he would miss most of Term 1, that's if the Rector had allowed him the time off anyway. I have got him spray painting cane baskets at the moment, trying to distract from his first exam tomorrow, o.k. I'm using him as my slave but what he doesn't know wont hurt him. Aunt Bee
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Topp Twins and the beach walk.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
A quick note to say why I didn't comment on last weeks Stash/Rehash, can't even tell you what it was like second hand. Got up and went to Edgeware Rd, thought there's no car parks, oh there's heaps of people here, oops. Found a park went to the hall and there was a long line of women from the door of the hall down the side, around the front, down the other side and on to the pavement. What to do, get in line, no I had no sunscreen and no hat so I decided I couldn't stand there for what would be at least 20 minutes, so I left thinking maybe God was telling I didn't need anymore stuff........abit of a joke between God and I, so can't tell you anything......but I'm hearten to see so many people there ( women ), as that's got to be a good sign for the continuation of sewing, knitting and assorted crafts. On a different note I have taken up the hook so to speak the crochet hook, making squares with very bright wool, just a experiment as I haven't done any crochet for at least 25 years or more. I don't know if anything will come of it or if it's worthy of a photo we shall see. As I,m having a weeks holiday starting today, as tomorrow is a holiday in Canterbury, it's our anniversary day also known as Show Day, I went to the show, think Agricultural Show, animals, machinery, cars, tractors.......sheep shearing, dog trials, fun fair, farm animal competition you know whose prettiest, etc.Always a good day but I've a little sunburn and so tired so early night is called for. Photo of cute minature Highland cattle, boy or girl possibly either didn't want to lift up anything for a closer look. Aunt Bee
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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