AJ relaxing after eating Christmas dinner (we always have it at night), this year it was so warm we had it on the deck, see AJ is seating in the chair he made for DST, which only the men of the house can sit in as it is made for tall people, a minor design flaw. And to think we haven't had desserts yet.

Tom relaxes on the deck and Basil goes and fetches the desserts. AJ and Tom worked right up to the 25th and both worked Boxing Day, AJ having to get out of bed at 5am to be at work at 6am. He said don't you think it's ironic that we boys are working and you are on holiday, meaning Basil and I, this is a first in our family. I replied that it wasn't ironic it was funny, I'm sure you might have heard our laughter from your place. Basil reminded them he starts back to work on Monday, and I fell about the floor laughing, as I will be on my own, what a wonderful christmas present, they all think I'm cruel and the words" terrible mother" were used.I shall get over it quickly and if the weather isn't to hot I shall have a walk on the beach and come home to sew. BLISS. The decorations will stay another couple of days and then they will come down, not a job I enjoy, as usual when I put the ones I had up away, I'm sure to find others I didn't find which I should have and which I will probably not find again next year, so they stay hidden for most of their lifetime, that reminds me must be more organised in 2010. Which to be honest is a perennial New Year's wish for the last 40 years at least. Love to all Aunt Bee.
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