A photo of me by me last night with the new webcam Tom bought, took lots of photos because I was laughing so much, I might of mentioned my R and L confusion, and then make it a mirror image and I totally gone. I enjoyed myself so much I think I've found a small amusement to entertain myself with if I'm bored. Now ain't that a scary thought.

Two old cane baskets now Sky Blue, thank you AJ who painted them outside and left them to dry in the rain, I know, I know but he is mine and I love him. Went to Bunnings to buy the paint, it was spray paint so it was in a locked glass cabinet, the guy said "what do you want to paint"? I said just going to tag something not sure what, thank god they had a sense of humour or I'd been arrested. Made a pretty fabric insert for the bootom and there done.

This basket sits near the phone at the corner of the kitchen, and in it I put keys, camera, recipes I've found on the net and intend to use (yeah right), important notices, well anything I want to keep, or need or want to keep safe from the rest of the family, they know not to touch this basket.

This delightfully pink plastic box also bought at Bunnings, it goes so well with the notice board I think, it is another desperate attempt to keep my sewing stuff under control. I have no sewing room so my stuff is in baskets, boxes, the window seat, in 2 wooden chests in the lounge and dining area, in large plastic boxes in the room at the back of the garage and lastly in an old china cabinet sits much of my fabric. So like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic I move and reorganise my sewing stuff constantly trying to steal space and hoping one day in will all be together in one room. Basil said I could have a room when the one of the boys leave, I am ashamed to say I did think oh great I hope Aj goes first he does have the bigger room.Thats it for now AJ has gone to school for his first exam, English, I hope he does well, everyone else is in bed. Time for nice cup of tea and toast. Aunt Bee
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