a nice candle lantern, very pretty |
old aroc? (spelling) bowl it's nice for beating eggs in |
five stalls only at the market today but bought the 4 books |
it's a gloomy morning and this is a silt pile from the streets being moved to the forrest |
although you can't see it, this bridge is held together with concrete, and light vehicles only |
I couldn't keep counting how many trucks were moving on the horrendous roads |
A few bits and bobs, I also bought forks, odd I know, but I blame the "you know what", for my sudden loss of forks, nearly all of them. Someone said it must be the boys, Lord they are 18 and 20 not 5 and 6, I don't think it was them, can't blame them for everything, well not everything, but some things, my lingering "baby" weight, my sanity, my wrinkles, you get the idea. To give you some idea about the roads, yesterday we were back at Aj's (work place) not my Aj, and the boss had told people had to be picked up by 2.30pm. This was to let staff get on the road by 3pm, of course we still had clients when I left at 3.20, it took me 1hr and 10 minutes to get home that is driving at 20 to 30 kms, over the worst roads you can imagine.
Right because so many banks and PO's are closed I went back to Bishopdale Mall to do some banking and while there I found the most..............thinking for a good describing word here, unusual.............different..........odd.............amazing............slightly creepy shop. Amend that to a slightly creepy shop owner, it's a crafty, junky sort of place, with patterns, cross stitch, knitting, and clothes all old like 70's and 80's, but not second-hand, some wool, some threads and cotton, buttons for Africa, and stuff.............mmmmmmmm.........can't really describe it well didn't have eftpos, if your going to buy something you take to a hole in the wall and hand it over, unbelievably he had more buttons out the back. He was different, not your usual type of this kind of shop, owner. I will go back just for the buttons and trims, it was very cheap. Also bought a cookbook from a CS, it's a Land 'O' Lakes, Treasury of Country Recipes, I love American recipe books and this is a great book, bring on the cold weather, I need to make a casserole, something with dumplings. Not wishing for cold weather everyday yet, as so many people still have no electricity or water or more importantly loos. Must say something about the Japanese Earthquake and tidal wave, it is so terrible and we hope and pray for them, we still have a Japanese S&R team here and we are sending one of ours to help them. Aj asked is the end of the world , I said don't be silly, it's nature flexing her muscles, but its daunting to think of the destruction almost everywhere around the Pacific Rim, and the turmoil in the Middle East, I guess you have to keep the faith what ever your faith is...........I truly believe in the indomitiable spirit of my fellow human beings..........Love, hugs and prays to everyone, where ever you are...............Barbara
Wow Barbara what a post, its terrible what has happened in Japen my heart goes out to the familys that have lost loved ones a whole village has been wipped out they say 10,000 people it really makes you think. The world is going mad at the moment or Nature i should say. That shop sounds like an interesting place to visit. Take care dee x
ReplyDeleteI couldnt believe what I was seeing on the TV news. The destruction in Japan is horrific. We are so helpless against the forces of nature. Things like this have happened periodically throughout history but with modern technology we are all much more aware of them. At one time it would have taken news such as this weeks to travel round the world but now we witness it almost as it happens. Its good that so many countries rally round and help.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shopping experience you've had!!
ReplyDeleteSo sad for Japan, desparate times there right now - it's a crazy old earth at the moment.
Oh my , I just found you on "do you mind if I knit". One of my dearest friends is moving back to Christchurch from new Hampshire u.s.a. I'm so sad to see her leave but this is where she is from and where her family is from. I am so sorry you have had such hardships of late . It is so heart breaking to see so many people suffering...all over the world..I had a good cry tonight just thinking of all you who have had to deal with so much. I must say I find some solace in finding someone from christchurch....it makes me feel connected somehow. Hang in there and know LOTS of people are wishing you well.xoxo