Sunday, May 29, 2011

You know the photos will be out of sequence, but I know you can cope.

lovely filmy black/roses scarf
Isn't it wonderful, a cute UJ purse, it did have a English 2 pound coin in it ,but the stall holder kept it.
All these buttons, I've put them in a bowl I had previously thrifted.
See we  have a sense of humour . So clever to paint a portaloo as  the Tardis.
The Grand Chancellor is the tallest building in Christchurch and its so damaged it's to come down.
This is the Sumner RSA the building at the back is wrecked unfortunatley people died here.
This is a huge rock which fell down the cliff face
This is the main street of Christchurch, Colombo Street.
3 books, including the very good American cook book, I love American cookbooks. 
As I sit here I smell the delicious aroma of Brownie baking in the oven and it's Monday. Whoa what do you think is wrong with me?  Monday is washing day not baking night, well it's 5.30pm. So the photos are from the Tiki Tour of Destruction and my great finds at the Market. Bloody blogger wont let me up load anymore photos, just as well, I need to taste the Brownie in case it's poisoned, the things I do for my family, what a wonderful person I am. I'll try and up load or down load the photos, someone did explain it to me the correct terminology, but I wasn't interested and promptly forgot. Need to make dinner before "the men" become wolves, it's not a full moon around here that makes my hairy bunch turn Lupine it's lack of food.Love to all Aunty Bee. 


  1. When I see those photos of the damage done to your town it makes our grey rainy weather seem positively benign. However your writing is so funny. I have a couple of wolves too - hairy and hungry in equal measure.

    Your thrift finds are much more interesting than the motley collection of old trifle dishes we seem to have in our TWO charity shops in our village. Love the scarf.

  2. Such devastation of poor pretty Christchurch. The tardis is great though...good to see the humour in things.
