the mornings have been very foggy |
Here is a story which unfortunately proves that I am an idiot
Two weeks ago I ran out of one of my drugs, I have two tablets every morning. Drug A and drug B we will call them, and I ran out of drug B, a little unusual as they usually they are exactly the same amount and run out together, in fact I had copious amounts of drug A left. But I thought nothing of it and delayed getting a refill because it would been a $33.00 trip to the Doctor, plus the inconvenience of going to a doctor just 2 minutes down the road. So last week after talking it over with my colleague Mare I decide to ring the Drs. and get a prescription only if I could. Spoke to the nurse who said " Do you need more drug A as well"? I should have lied, but I was honest and said no I have heaps of them. Silence at end of line, "mmmmmm well that shouldn't happen " she said. " I know" I replied "I thought it was odd myself". " How many tablets are you taking a day."
Oh bugger as soon as she said that I got the giggles as I knew what I had done , drug A had been increased last visit and for some strange reason I thought the tablet it self was increased not me upping the number of times a day I took it. By then Mare is in hysterics as she has picked up on what has happened and I can't stop laughing, result one Drs. appointment with the threat of a memory test thrown in. When I saw the Doc I put it down to earthquake brain.........any excuse will do.
Last night we did have a big shake 5.3, had us contemplating the table as it rolling on for at least 30 seconds, yesterday was my birthday and we had numerous little shakes all day, isn't that a nice present.
I did get spoilt, 2 large boxes of Guylain chocolates which are my favourites, and money for my September trip to the Craft fair that comes over from Oz. Next week will be more exciting becos Jeni from
With Needle and Tread is coming over to spend Easter with her family and we are meeting up Easter Monday. This is the first time I have met a fellow blogger, I am so excited, of course Aj warned me about the dangers of meeting people off the internet, cheeky monkey.
click to enlarge , a pukeho baby, it's mum must have been confused ,it's Autumn |
The pukeho pronounced pookekho, oddly enough photographed in a very marshy paddock next to the sewage works, well it made me laugh. They make a strange whistle noise and love the marshy swampy land, they are cute but not very nice as they eat anything. And of course this is NZ so they can't fly.That's it for now, it's a cold wet day and I'm pulling out the sewing machine, the old one ( will tell the story of the new one next time) to do some sewing. Love Bee