thrifting, sewing, family, cooking and life in general.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jack F. has been visiting.
It seems that the frost just stays on the ground and never melts. Love this plate.Another find, I am obviously going through a rose phase at the moment.I bought the nutcracker tin and the little one in the background and now they sit on the window sill in front of the sink.Went to watch Aj play rugby last weekend and by the time I found a park and walked to where the game was been played, I had lost sight of him. I had to ask a man on the sideline which teams were playing, as he was supporting the opposition he was evasive, and I thought I was at the wrong game. I hasten to add there were 2 of our school teams playing 2 of their teams. It took me 10 minutes to identify that I was at the right place and that Aj was on the field playing, but was so covered in mud I couldn't tell it was him. Of course in a fit of the Raleighs I threw my jacket down on the car seat so he didn't get my car all muddy, we mothers are really stupid sometimes aren't we. Aj worked this first week of the school holidays, this means he needed to be at work at 7.30am so I dropped him off and went on to work although I got there 1 hour before I needed to be. Some of the staff start at 8 so I only waited for 30 minutes in the freezing cold. I am glad he's not working this week as he wants a holiday and has some work to do for NCEA.
Brrrr, looks chilly, glad to hear you are tucked up warmly!