It must have been a very cold miserable Sunday for you to reorganise the kitchen Bee? Yes it was, of course it doesn't look as tidy down.

I have a growing obsession with "talking books", I have" Miss Read's retirement", book in the car at the moment, no jabbering DJ's blathering on in the morning for me, no I have the beautiful voice of Sian Phillips accompanying me to work in the morning.

New bag a WIP , thinking I'll plait the handles or just use it for the button loop. Still thinking about it.

Lovely jug as mentioned in previous post.

Aj said I should stop showing beach scenes and show a photo of me and my winter woolies including very embarrassing hat (fat chance).

Came in from work at 3.45pm, made this lovely smelling date loaf, as it's Thursday and a very sports training orientated night, this should tide people over till dinner time, which will be at 9.20pm or thereabouts. It's very cold here and the frost this morning was a "goody ",with me very gingerly walking down the deck steps hanging on for dear life. At least it's stopped raining, we haven't had the flooding that the south has had, and with the cold weather comes the beautiful sight of the Southern Alps covered with snow.I shall try to get a few photos on the weekend. Love Aunt Bee.
Nothing like a wet day to bring on a bit of clean -out-kitchen-cupboard-itis. :-) Hmmm the loaf looks very yummy!