These wonderful DVD's I got for $6.00, what a bargain and you can see why Mayberry is my blog name and Aunt Bee is my alter ego. I loved The Andy Griffith Show when I was young and I remember going to With Six You Get Eggroll with my sister the Contessa (see sidebar) many moons ago. I watched the movie this afternoon, and in bit parts as hippie's were Jamie Farr (Corporal Klinger) and William Christopher (Father Malcathey), from MASH. those were the days, if I was totally honest I would say the movie wasn't very good, but Doris Day is one of my favourites and Brian Keith I love too, so I will forgive them , but they did have chemistry together. Aunt Bee
I love Aunt Bee and Doris Day! I love watching Doris Day movies just to see the awesome sets and to see her wardrobe. She had some great outfits in her movies. Christchurch, New Zealand was one of the trivia questions on Jeopardy today. Ithought it was funny seeing it on your blog after never hearing of it before today. Nobody got it correct on the show. You have a great blog and I enjoyed my time here.