Saturday, May 12, 2012

Some photos of Wanganui, known as the River city, or town, not sure it is a city.

Art installations all along the river bank.
It's a river with Mana, and I don't say that lightly.
The riverboat sails up the river, looks like an interesting trip.
It's meant to be the river, but as I come from ChCh  I thought it looked like a earthquake crack
Large shiny sphere on the river bank
The bridge over the river Wanganui


  1. What a lovely spot ...looks so green.........

  2. Re , my blog yesterday . Yes, George will help you gently sweat or perspire if you are a lady .
    Lovely serene looking pics,.

  3. So sorry to read of your mums passing. Lovely photo's that river boat looks lovely what a great day out that would be. dee x

  4. loved how the photos turned out. wanganui put it's sparkle on for you
