You can just see my beloved Suzuki Vitara in the drive, may she come home safely.
I don't know why I was so apprenhensive last night, Little Red and Lofty were great guests and the meal was no big deal. We haven't entertained in yonks and though I consider myself to be a confident and competent cook (say that fast 7 times) I really freaked out yesterday. I found a leg of lamb, $32.00! hell's teeth, thats expensive, haven't had lamb for at least 2 years, it's so dear, so the menu with a few sides from Matt's Sunday Lunch from Febuary's GoodFood 2010. I did lamb with balsamic/raspberry/oil/ salt and pepper rub/baste (so good), Welsh onion cake but I did it in the oven, and cabbage and bacon and whole carrots. Dessert was a real easy treat, mini pavs, raspbery coulis, dreamy vanilla yogurt ice cream, and a delicate stream of cream with hot chocolate sauce. I did this on large white dinner plates, very MasterChef and this all served with a lovely Nelson Pinot Gris. I realised how much I love cooking and with all the lovely feedback I've decided Sunday night will be a night for a decent dinner. I say decent because tonight we are having franks and hash browns. So too the car, it's not good and it has just got worse the final bill will be 3,600 , I can barely bare to write it, but we are spreading the work over 3-4 months to help pay for it, SORRY Contessa I think the trip to England has started to fall into the" land of maybe not". I am saying a few prays to St Jude, he owes me, I often pray to him for other people and he has come through, he now has to see what he can do for me. I shall stop moaning now, it is only a car and I've a courtsy car till my girl is ready, about Friday I hope.